IContextMenu (Interfaces)
Last changed: -

This interface is called by the Shell to either create or merge a shortcut menu associated with a Shell object.

C# Signature:

    public interface IContextMenu
        int QueryContextMenu(
            uint hMenu,
            uint indexMenu,
            int idCmdFirst,
            int idCmdLast,
            uint uFlags);

        void InvokeCommand(IntPtr pici);

        void GetCommandString(
            int idcmd,
            uint uflags,
            int reserved,
            StringBuilder commandstring,
            int cch);

VB Signature:

<ComImport()> _
<InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)> _
<GuidAttribute("000214e4-0000-0000-c000-000000000046")> _
Public Interface IContextMenu
     <PreserveSig()> _
     Function QueryContextMenu( _
     ByVal hMenu As Integer, _
     ByVal indexMenu As Integer, _
     ByVal idCmdFirst As Integer, _
     ByVal idCmdLast As Integer, _
     ByVal uFlags As Integer) As Integer

     <PreserveSig()> _
     Sub InvokeCommand(ByVal pici As IntPtr)

     <PreserveSig()> _
     Sub GetCommandString( _
     ByVal idcmd As Integer, _
     ByVal uflags As Integer, _
     ByVal reserved As Integer, _
     ByVal commandstring As StringBuilder, _
     ByVal cch As Integer)
End Interface


I found that GetCommandString gave me problems when defining the variable commandstring as a StringBuilder. (It had an unexplainable limit of 16 characters.) I found that by changing my definition to IntPtr, and then copying a

string into this pointer by using lstrcpy works for the true buffer size designated by cch.


You may have to explicitly call lstrcpynW or lstrcpynA based uFlags

Sample Code:

void IContextMenu.GetCommandString(int idCmd, uint uFlags, int reserved, IntPtr commandString, int cchMax)


    string commandStr = "" ;
    if ((uFlags & (uint)GCS.VERB) != 0)
        //obviously you could insert some cases here
        switch (idCmd)
                commandStr = "...";
    if((uFlags  & (uint)GCS.HELPTEXT) != 0)
        switch (idCmd)
            case 0:
                commandStr = "Menu Item 1. And a brief description of what it does.";
            case 1:
                commandStr = "Menu Item 2. And a brief description of what it does." ;
            case 2:
                commandStr = "Menu Item 3. And a brief description of what it does.";
            case 3:
                commandStr = "Menu Item 4. And a brief description of what it does.";
                commandStr = "...";

    // must limit the return string to cchMax
    if (commandStr.Length >= cchMax) commandStr = commandStr.Substring(0, cchMax-1) ;

    // now return unicode or ansi based on uFlags
    if((uFlags  & (uint)GCS.UNICODE) != 0 )
        str = Marshal.StringToHGlobalUni(commandStr);
        Helpers.lstrcpynW(commandString, str, cchMax);
        str = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(commandStr);
        Helpers.lstrcpynA(commandString, str, cchMax);
